Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Turkey Stew

This is a recipe from a dear friend, Quincy Sorensen, and it became a family hit after making it just once! I use this recipe to boil chicken breasts (that I then use for casseroles, etc.), too, but I add some garlic powder and a little extra boullion since the chicken is unflavored.

In a large stockpot, cut up a meaty turkey carcass (all bones and skin, too!) and cover with water. Add about 8 chicken boullion cubes, 2 stalks fo celery, 1 onion quartered, 1 bay leaf, and fresh or dried parsley. Season with pepper. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-5 hours. Remove bones, skin, and meat from broth. When cool, separate meat from bones and set aside. Discard all bones, skin, and large veggies chunks. Strain broth and put back in stockpot. Bring to a boil and add:

turkey meat
4 large carrots, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
red potatoes, diced and unpeeled (how many you like)
1 bag dry egg noodles
salt, pepper

Boil gently for 15-20 minutes or until noodles are done. Correct seasoning to taste and enjoy!

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